Electrical Safety PPE
For All Your PPE Needs
Danatec is a PPE distributor providing innovative new arc flash & shock protective technologies in suits, accessories and equipment. Contact us to learn more or request a quotation today on the PPE you require to keep your electrical workers safe.
Danatec has partnered with Oberon to offer you the latest in next generation PPE gear. Oberon’s new True Colour Gray (TCG) Series faceshield is a medium-density filter that allows all wavelengths of visible light to pass through without causing any color distortion. The end result is a nearly clear experience for the worker when performing complex electrical tasks. With the advent of this new technology, electrical workers will no longer struggle to see coloured wires or electrical tape while working energized.
Add to this Oberon’s industry-leading arc flash fabrics. The InnovexFR™ fabric system is the latest result – even lighter and more comfortable than before. The TCG40 Series clothing is a super light PPE solution, which is a relief to those whose jobs require they wear these suits.
To Order
To order please call Cindy Tedd at 1-800-465-3366 or email.




Unlimited PPE Inc. specializes in workplace electrical safety solutions. Who represents the Oberon Company in Canada and the Electrical Safety Division of Danatec Education Services Ltd. When combined, these companies form an unparalleled combination of solutions unlimited ppe arc flash ppe, electrical safety programs, classroom training and Unlimited PPE arc flash training.
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